23 mai About entrepreneurship with Costin Stănicioara – shareholder at Fabrica Club
We are talked with Costin Stănicioara, one of the five entrepreneurs responsible that developed the Fabrica Club – the business that produces one million euros on the space of the former Apollo stocking factory.
- How were you as a student?
Very curious. - If you were to go back during your studies, knowing what you know today, what would you do differently?
I was a student right after the ‘89 Revolution. It was a time with a lot of business opportunities. I would take full advantage of them. And I’d travel as much as I could. - Why an entrepreneur and not an employee?
As an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to decide on your actions, you have the choice of whom you want to work with, and who, not and last but not least, can manage your time as you want. - How do you see yourself in five years?
Hm … hard to say. Better… I hope :). - Why this area of activity?
Half an opportunity, half an old dream … and obviously … simple math 🙂 - What were the fears/angst at the beginning of the road?
I did not have any … I had nothing to lose … I had time, excitement … it was something like „to start the adventure”. - What do you like most about being an entrepreneur? But the least?
I like when I see that people I do not know and who do not know me really enjoy the things that I have built.
I do not like when I have to do my schedule differently than I want. My time or time spent with my family is first. - Why would you have needed to get started?
To have traveled through the world more … I think this is perhaps the most important thing for a young man. - What would be the right question for an entrepreneur to provide the answer to what is the key to success?
A ticket to 6 of 49 or a train ticket? - What is the biggest change you have made?
There were many. Probably I changed when I realized that money is not important in life, but the experiences you live by doing it :). - What was the first step in fulfilling your dream?
🙂 I woke up from the dream, I smiled … and everything came by itself. - How would you describe yourself in a word?
Yes :))). - What motivates you to get out of bed every morning?
A new day … a thousand opportunities … in all respects. - What motivated you to start?
The dream :). - How did you identify the opportunity?
It’s like between the shelves at the supermarket. Life makes continual offers … you choose. - What were the first steps towards starting the business?
I tried to understand the market very well … how it works, how it reacts … - What were the risks assumed at the beginning?
Let’s disappoint someone who believes in me. - What was different after the first year?
It really worked ????. - What were the mistakes and how did they help you get to the point where you are today?
At first, I thought everyone else had the same motivation as me … then I noticed it was not so … that changed my perspective on business partnership relations. - What did you get when you decided to start? Financial Opportunity or Passion in the Field?
I think when you’re passionate about a domain, it’s already a business opportunity. - When did you have the first business idea? How did the close ones react?
In high school, I had all sorts of ideas. The closest I support you anyway … or so … - How important is entrepreneurship education?
It is very important. - What is the most difficult obstacle when you want to start a business?
Mistrust in you. - What is the secret of sustaining a successful pitch in front of a potential investor?
Do not lie to him or keep him … the rest comes by himself. - What was the initial investment?
Not much… the equivalent of about 3-4 wages that moment. - What are the advantages, but also the disadvantages of having your own business during the study period?
The advantage is that you are a student with money, the disadvantage may be that you are a student who does not have time. I still think you can find a balance between them. - Who are you?
This is philosophical ????. - What does business failure mean?
For some a disaster, for others an experience. I am part of the second category :). - Did you have a mentor with a defining role in what you do today?
Yes. - What have I not asked you, and you would have asked me to ask you?
I would have liked to ask if I have any other business passions and how important they are to me in the context I have mentioned above.