Radu Magdin is CEO of Smartlink Communications since2012. He has a rich and diverse experience with employers such as The Foreign Ministry, Agerpres, the European Parliament, the EurActiv media network, and Google. Radu has dedicated himself to consultancy work in the last few years and is actively involved in events dedicated to entrepreneurs, especially on topics that please him the most – communication and leadership.
- How were you as a student?
Tall, studious, serious, always interested in international programs. And it used me well.
- If you were to go back during your studies, knowing what you know today, what would you do differently?
I would use some of my energy to focus more closely on what I really care about. But this experience comes with time, you must initially try to see what you like and what you are really good at.
- Why an entrepreneur and not an employee?
I did not find a „boss” that would not be afraid of my CV, I was called overclassified by many people. Over-qualified means qualified, not just over. So, i was going to do my job, I was not targeting someone else’s position.
- How do you see yourself in five years?
Okay, traveling, with kids and a labrador, next to my wife and a good book. I want to give up on the current pace of work and get back to teaching and writing.
- Why this area of activity?
I like it and i feel qualified. I’m never bored.
- What were the fears at the beginning of the road?
How long it takes to win, and how long I’m losing, until take-off.
- What do you like most about being an entrepreneur? But the least?
Freedom. Stress related to entrepreneurship.
- What would you have needed when you got started?
An entrepreneur as a mentor.
- What would be the right question for an entrepreneur so he could tell us the key to success?
What are your exact objectives and what price are you willing to pay to turn them into reality?
- What is the biggest change you have made?
No more waste of time.
- What was the first step in fulfilling your dream?
Loss of money initially invested, which has led to annoyance and motivation through lack of alternative: be victorious or you are declared loser.
- How would you describe yourself in a word?
- What motivates you to get out of bed every morning?
The alarm.
- What motivated you to start?
Lack of alternatives.
- How did you identify the opportunity?
I threw arrows in more than one target, only some sounded like an opportunity.
- What were the first steps towards starting the business?
Business plan, branding, trying to open doors.
- What were the risks assumed at the beginning?
Loss of money.
- What was different after the first year?
Fewer money in the bank account, and more dark circles around my eyes.
- What were the mistakes and how did they help you get to the point where you are today?
Mistrust in people and patience. If you are smart, you quickly find it is not worthwhile to waste your time and you have to play on multiple levels. People invariably disappoint.
- What did you receive when you decided to start your business? Financial Opportunity or Passion in the Field?
- When did you get your first business idea? How did the close ones react?
I just sat down and made a consulting plan. The reaction was good: a lot of success.
- How important is entrepreneurship education?
Very. Both motivational and financial.
- What is the most difficult obstacle when you started the business?
Clear definition of the product sold and the creation of a reputation in the field.
- What is the secret of sustaining a successful pitch in front of a potential investor?
Self-confidence and quality of service or product, coupled with information about the investor’s needs.
- What was the initial investment?
It was a big amount.
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of having your own business during the study period?
I do not know.
- Who are you?
Radu Gheorghe Magdin. Traveling Problem Solver.
- What does business failure mean?
Loss of money, lessons learned.
- Did you have a mentor with a defining role in what you do today?
Several, outside of Romania.
- What did I not ask you and would you like to have asked?
Don’t you want more contracts?