Author: UPBIZZ

The Smart Start UP Romania final has revealed projects and entrepreneurs with great potential. Of the 47 projects that entered into the competition, 29 were declared finalists, and were subsequently presented in front of a jury with relevant business experience from Eduard Dumitrascu - President...

Eduard Dumitrascu, president of the Romanian Association for Smart City and Mobility and partner of the UPBizz Entrepreneurship Center, gives an interview with Agerpres about the Smart City concept. We learn from Eduard how the idea of ​​Smart City is defined, how it can be...

Completează formularul de înscriere și ocupă-ți locul la workshopurile organizate de Centrul de Antreprenoriat UPBizz în cadrul proiectului „Fii Antreprenor 2.0”. Poți alege unul sau mai multe workshopuri, participarea  fiind gratuită. Click aici pentru a completa formularul de înscriere - Mădălina are o experiență de peste...